27 September 2005

A little wisdom....

A little foolishess, enough to enjoy life
and a little wisdom to avoid the errors,
that will do.
- Osho

Life gets simplified

24 September 2005


Only He who can will the KATANA刀
draws the sword

Holding the edge that can cut
through the heavies essence of air
He waits for the right moment
one strike is all to kill
one stare is all to tremble

Engage in combat, vanquishing thine enemy is the warrior's only concern
Its compassion,mercy and forgiveness that he lacks
suppress all human emotion and compassion.....
kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God or Buddha himself
this truth lies at the heart of the art of combat

The path of the warrior leads to destruction if He cannot will His Sword and His Destiny

Inspired by black mamba

Smiles in the Field

It was a warm summer day when the flowers in the field smile at me..... My World is then complete - 天恵 -

21 September 2005

Photo Journal (The Netherlands)

drop of tears

openning of the eyes